Bernardo Costa’s concise presentation on December 12 highlighted the Arctic’s accelerated warming trend since 1979. Focused on Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Canada, his emphasis on practical solutions involves local collaboration. The 2023 Expedition, a crucial part of his PhD, established a database for shoreline evolution. Using UAV and DGPS RTK surveys, the team gathered temperature data, installed cameras, and collaborated with local stakeholders for field surveys. Bernardo emphasized the urgency of addressing Arctic climate change, stressing community engagement for practical solutions. The Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula work serves as a significant example of addressing environmental challenges for indigenous well-being.

COASTANTAR 2024 Expedition Launches Comprehensive Training Program for Antarctic Mission

As the #COASTANTAR 2024 Expedition nears, expedition members commenced their preparation in November with a training session led by FOR-MAR. The session emphasized the mastery of sea survival techniques and the utilization of essential rescue equipment. Additionally, they underwent Basic Life Support training facilitated by the Cardio-Respiratory Resuscitation Club, certified by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).

Participation of Polar2e researchers on the XV PORTUGUESE CONFERENCE OF POLAR SCIENCES

At the XV Portuguese Conference of Polar Sciences, the national scientific community presented recent advancements in Arctic and Antarctic research. The event included the introduction on the COASTANTAR 2024 Expedition, and the work of researchers from The College on Polar and Extreme Environments (POLAR2E), unveiling their research findings, contributing to our understanding of these crucial regions.

Diálogos Polares: Descobrindo os Extremos

Tuesday, we enjoyed an engaging session on Antarctica! Joana Baptista and Vasco Miranda, #ULisboa PhD students, shared their research🔬 on #permafrost and #vegetation in the Antarctic Peninsula🏔️🌿, recounting their past experiences and adventures from their Antarctic campaigns🇦🇶📚

#zephyrus #polar2e

Na fronteira do gelo polar: um olhar sobre o permafrost e a vegetação da Península Antártica

Na Península Antártica, o aquecimento significativo desde os anos 1950 gera mudanças nos ecossistemas. Os projetos #PERMANTAR e #VEGETANTAR da #ULisboa investigam o impacto desse aquecimento na temperatura do permafrost e na vegetação. O PERMANTAR mantém observatórios na região ocidental da Península Antártica para monitorar o permafrost. O VEGETANTAR usa VANTs para mapear a vegetação, auxiliando na criação de mapas temáticos. Os alunos Joana Baptista e Vasco Miranda apresentarão a relação desses projetos com suas pesquisas e experiências nas campanhas antárticas em 24 de outubro pelas 17H30 na sala de conferências Jorge Gaspar no Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (#IGOT).